- Forthcoming. 'Enforcement and Supererogation', Journal of Philosophy.
- 2022. ‘Robust Rights and Harmless Wrongs’, Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics Volume 12, Mark Timmons (ed.) (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
- 2022. ‘“But You Could’ve Hurt Me!”: Risk and Harm’, Law and Philosophy, 41 (4), 517-546.
- 2022. ‘The Interest Theory of Rights at the Margins: Posthumous Rights’, Without Trimmings: The Legal, Moral, and Political Philosophy of Matthew Kramer, Visa Kurki & Mark McBride (eds), (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
- 2022. ‘Addressing the Addressive Theory of Rights’, Journal of Applied Philosophy, 39 (2), pp. 183-93.
- 2021. ‘Consent, Other-Defence, and Humanitarian Intervention’, in Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy Volume 8, David Sobel & Steven Wall (eds) (New York: Oxford University Press).
- 2020. ‘Beyond Normative Control: Against the Will Theory of Rights’, Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 50 (4), pp. 427-443.
- 2020. with John Basl, ‘AI as a Moral Right-Holder’, The Oxford Handbook of the Ethics of AI, Markus Dubber, Frank Pasquale, and Sunit Das (eds.) (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
- 2016. ‘Necessity and Liability: On an Honour-Based Justification for Defensive Harming’, Journal of Practical Ethics, 4 (2), pp. 79-93.
- As Journal Symposium Guest Editor: with Massimo Renzo, ‘Symposium on Rowan Cruft’s Human Rights, Ownership, and the Individual’, Journal of Applied Philosophy. With contributions from Joseph Bowen, Simon Căbulea May, Nick Sage, Zofia Stemplowska, and Rowan Cruft.
- 2022. ‘Review of Alec Walen’s The Mechanics of Claims and Permissible Killing in War’, Criminal Law and Philosophy.
- 2021. 'Review of Jonathan Quong's The Morality of Defensive Force', Ethics 131 (3);
Please just drop me an email if you can't get hold of any of the above.
Work in Progress and Talks
Below is a list of my current works in progress. All are available on request.
- A paper offering a sufficient condition for a duty's being owed to someone.
- A paper on whether duties to rescue are owed to those people whom we can rescue.
- A paper on whether there are some things to which we can't validly consent.
- A paper on whether rights depend on the facts, the evidence available to duty-bearers, or their beliefs.
- A paper on liability and the non-identity problem, with James Goodrich.
Talks'Defending the Future' (with James Goodrich), Society for Applied Philosophy's Annual Conference, University of Oxford (June 2024).
‘Rights: Facts, Evidence, and Beliefs’:
‘Directed and Undirected Duties to Rescue’
'Enforcement and Supererogation':
- 25th March 2022: Zicklin Center Workshop in Normative Business Ethics, University of Pennsylvania.
- 2nd November 2021: Higher Seminar in Practical Philosophy, Stockholm University.
- Philosophy, Ethics, and Killing Workshop, Stockholm Centre for the Ethics of War and Peace (September 2020, online).
- All or Nothing Workshop (September 2020, online).
‘Owing Something to Another’:
- Philosophy, Ethics, and Killing Workshop, Stockholm Centre for the Ethics of War and Peace (September 2021, Peak District, UK).
- MANCEPT Workshop 2021: State of the Art: The Nature and Function of Rights, University of Manchester (September 2021).
- Ethics Summer Miniseries Workshop, St Andrews/UNC/Queens (August 2021, online).
'Robust Rights and Harmless Wronging', (formerly, 'The Interest Theory and Harmless Wronging'):
- Arizona Workshop in Normative Ethics (Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics) (January 2021);
- Society for Applied Philosophy Annual Conference (July 2020, cancelled);
- Einstein Ethics Group’s Early Career Workshop in Moral and Political Philosophy (December 2019);
- 11th Rocky Mountain Ethics Congress (August 2018);
- Oxford Graduate Philosophy Conference (November 2017), response from Julian Savulescu;
- Postgraduate Session, Edinburgh (July 2017);
- Cambridge Doctoral Workshop in Legal Theory (6 June 2017).
'Rights Against Suboptimal Supererogation':
- Joint Session (July 2019, unable to attend; July 2020, cancelled);
- Individual and Collective Duties to Rescue, Stockholm Centre for the Ethics of War and Peace & the Institute for Futures Studies: (May 2018);
- Oxford Graduate Conference in Political Theory (April 2018).
‘Consent, Other-Defence, and Humanitarian Intervention’:
- Workshop for Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy (May 2020, cancelled);
- The Centre for the Study of Global Ethics at Birmingham (June 2017);
- Stockholm Centre for the Ethics of War and Peace Graduate Reading Retreat, Venice (September 2016), response from Massimo Renzo.
'The Interest Theory at the Margins: Posthumous Rights', Workshop in Honour of Matthew Kramer (July 2019).
'"But You Could've Hurt me!": Risk and Harm':
- Society for Applied Philosophy Annual Conference (June 2018);
- Glasgow University Philosophy Society (October 2017).
‘Necessity and Liability: on an Honour-Based Justification for Defensive Harming’
- Future of Just War Conference: Theoretical and Practical Challenges, United States Naval Postgraduate School, CA (October, 2015);
- The Theory of Just War: Behind the Jurisprudential Defense of (Abstaining From) Military War, Cardinal Stefan University, Warsaw (October 2015);
- 2nd Nordic War Network, University of Oslo (November 2015).
‘Hobbes’s Right to Self-Preservation: Mere Hohfeldian Privileges or Something More Substantial?’, 12th MANCEPT Workshop, University of Manchester (September 2015).
Daniel Muñoz, What we Owe to Ourselves, manuscipt workshop (St Andrews, May 2024).
Adina Preda, 'Interest-Based Rights, Peremptoriness, and Exclusionary Reasons', Irish Jurisprudence Society (Dublin, November 2023).
Frances Kamm, 'Duties that Become Supererogatory?', The Rights Workshop: Supererogation (MIT, May 2019).
Alec Walen, ‘Eliminative Killing and the Targeting of Noncombatants’, Oxford Institute for Ethics, Law, and Armed Conflict Annual Conference (Florence, September 2016)
Adina Preda, 'Interest-Based Rights, Peremptoriness, and Exclusionary Reasons', Irish Jurisprudence Society (Dublin, November 2023).
Frances Kamm, 'Duties that Become Supererogatory?', The Rights Workshop: Supererogation (MIT, May 2019).
Alec Walen, ‘Eliminative Killing and the Targeting of Noncombatants’, Oxford Institute for Ethics, Law, and Armed Conflict Annual Conference (Florence, September 2016)